Charting How TO Unit Workflow
What is-- Written directive confirmed with authorized user, Start of dose, end of dose
What is the RN responsible for charting in a therasphere case
What is 3000u Heparin, 2.5mg Verapamil, 200mcg nitroglycerin-- there is a radial cocktail order you can place in EPIC (need to change heparin dosage) so it can be charted.
What medications and how much of each do you need to mix a RADIAL COCKTAIL
What is notify management, call in 2nd team for the emergent case, and management will work on finding a 3rd team.
If you are on call Body call, you are in a case, and another emergent case needs to be done-- what is the process.
What is Time of dose delivery
What is the RN responsibile for charting in MAA
What is Erin's top drawer of the desk, in a dark bag, send to tube station 260
How do you obtain a Thyroseq Vial, how is it stored, and where does it need to be sent to?
What is the procedure RN in the room-- you should be getting report and sending for them
Who is responsible for sending for an ICU patient
What is Q 15 minutes
How often do you nee chart NIH, in a stroke thrombectomy case post TPA
What is, Time, date, type of fluid, initials on a patient sticker
How do you need to label a specimen
What is In the care handoff-- Amount and type of drug being handed over
Where and how do you chart narcotic handoff
What is SLOWLY; undiluted, over 10 minutes.
How is Protamine given

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