Krias HaTorah | The Moon | Teves | Shevat - Adar | Tamuz - Av |
How many aliyos are there on Shabbos?
7 aliyos
How long does it take for the moon to orbit the Earth?
29 days 12 hours and 793 chalakim
What is one of the changes that the zekeinim made to the translation of the Torah, and why?
arneves because that was Talmai's wife's name
What happened on aleph Shevat?
On this day Moshe Rabbeinu began his 37 day speech before his death.
What happened on Shivah Asar B'Tamuz?
The walls of Yerushalayim were broken and the luchos were broken.
From which part of Tanach is the haftarah?
How many days is a solar year?
365 days
What happened on ches Teves?
On this date, Talmai Philodolphus forced the zekeinim to translate the Torah from Greek.
What is the date of Moshe Rabbeinu's birth and death?
Zayin Adar
What begins on Shivah Asar B'Tamuz?
The Three Weeks begin on this date.
When do we take out three sifrei Torah?
Shabbos Rosh Chodesh Chanukah
How many months are there in a lunar leap year?
13 months
What is the date of the last day of Chanukah?
beis or gimmel teves
What does the bnei Yisoschor say we have a minhag to daven for on Tu Bishevat?
a good esrog
What happened on Tisha B'Av?
Both batei mikdash were destroyed.
How many aliyos are there at shachris on Yom Kippur?
6 aliyos
How long does it take for the Earth to orbit the Sun?
365 and 1/4 days
What happened on tes teves?
Ezra and Nechmiah died.
What do we do on Tu Bishevat?
We have a minhag to eat the Shivas Haminim and to make a shehecheyanu on a new fruit.
What is one of the restrictions we observe on Tisha B'av?
We shouldn't greet people the whole day.
What is the topic of the krias HaTorah/maftir/haftarah read on a Yom Tov?
It is related to the Yom Tov.
How many days is a lunar year?
354 days
What special event takes place on Beis Teves?
Mrs. Karp's birthday
What is the significance of the time period from aleph shevat to zayin Adar?
It's a special time for renewal in Torah and mitzvos.
When does the aveilus of the three weeks end?
on yud Av at chatzos