Hexapoda | Chelicerata | Echinodermata | Hemichordata | Chordata |
How do entognaths differ from insects?
They have mouthparts that originate inside the head capsule, no wings, no or poorly developed Malpighian tubules.
What are general characteristics of chelicerates?
8 legs, pedipalps often modified, claws near mouth (often modified), 2 part body plan (prosoma and opisthosoma), no antennae.
Are echinoderms bilaterally or radially symmetrical?
The first as larvae, the second as adults.
What are major characteristics of hemichordates?
Stomochord, benthic, dorsal hollow nerve chord, pharyngeal slits.
What are the main characteristics of Phylum Chordata?
dorsal hollow nerve chord, ciliated pharyngeal slits, post-anal tail, notochord
What are unique characteristics of hexapods?
Only invertebrates that evolved complete metamorphosis and wings, 3 segmented thorax, large fat body, labium.
What are characteristics of Merostomata?
Carapace, compound eyes (possibly) and ocelli, book lungs, genital operculum, pedipalps and most legs modified to end in claws.
What are characteristics of Class Crinoidea.
Stalked, oral surface pointed upwards, suspension-feeders.
What are major characteristics of Class Enteropneusta?
Body segments of proboscis, collar, trunk; tubular digestive system.
What are main characteristics of Subphylum Urochordata?
Covered by a tunic, notochord and dorsal hollow nerve chord only in larvae.
What is the insect ear?
Have an external tympanum.
How might the opisthosoma be modified in arachnids?
Into two segments called mesosoma and metasoma.
What is autotomy?
ability to detach a body part
What is a stomochord?
anterior extension of pharynx
What are representatives of Class Ascidiacea?
sea squirts
How can insects breathe?
Can contract and relax tracheal walls.
How are the chelicerae modified in spiders?
What are major characteristics of Class Ophiuroidea?
Arms distinct from central disc and may branch; calcareous plates on aboral surface; no anus.
How does the stomochord function?
may support proboscis and help in burrowing
What is the atrial siphon?
water exits
How do insects develop during hemimetabolism?
A gradual change from a juvenile to an adult body plan.
What is the difference between a spinneret and a silk gland?
The first weaves the silk, the second produces the silk.
What are respiratory trees and how do they function?
Water enters and exits organ through cloaca.
What are major characteristics of Class Pterobranchia?
Stomochord, secrete tubes, ciliated tentacles on anterior, U-shaped gut, colonial.
What are characteristics of Class Thaliacea?
pelagic, buccal and atrial siphons at opposite ends of body, adults without tail