Structural Engineering Construction Engineering Geotechnical Engineering Transportation Engineering Sustainability in Transportation
What is to invent, to create, or to regulate?
The word "engineering" comes from the Latin term, "ingenerare", which means this.
What is construction engineering?
This is the discipline of civil engineering that deals with the designing, planning, and management of infrastructure.
What is earth?
The word "geo" means this.
What is a transportation system?
This is a network used to transport people and/or goods.
What is sustainability?
This is the capacity to endure, or the way different living things stay alive and stay productive for a long time.
What is a civil engineer?
This is a professional who improves the quality of life through the production of infrastructure and common utilities.
What is a construction manager?
This person is a cross between a civil engineer and a supervisor.
What is geotechnical engineering?
This branch of civil engineering is concerned with engineering behavior of earth materials.
What are [roads, ports, railways, pipe lines, waterways]?
Name three types of transportation systems.
What are [saving energy, recycling, reducing pollution, saving space in landfills]?
Name two ways we can move toward being sustainable.
What are [bridges, dams, buildings, roads, tunnels etc.]?
These are three common structures that civil engineers build.
What are [buildings, heavy construction/highway, mechanical, electrical]?
Name two types of construction projects that we discussed in the lesson.
What is soil?
Geotechnical engineers test this material by drilling into the ground, collecting samples, and taking it to the lab to test for moisture content and strength.
What is a transportation engineer-in-training?
This is a person who performs introductory work assignments under the supervision of a professional engineer.
What are glass and metal?
These two materials can be recycled over and over.
What is a triangle?
This shape is the strongest one to use in a bridge design because it allows for the transfer of the load from a single point to a wider area.
What are [highways, bridges, railroads, tunnels, dams, airports, canals, ports, harbors, power networks]?
Name three projects that are examples of heavy construction projects.
What are [roads, bridges, buildings, excavations, drilling, any type of construction]?
Name three projects that are examples of geotechnical engineering work.
What are [pavement, barriers, bridges, canals, pipes, rails, traffic signals, vehicles, stations, terminals]?
Name three components that make up transportation systems.
What is environmental engineering?
This discipline of civil engineering deals with sustainable practices and creating clean air and water.
What are [arch, cantilever, truss, beam, suspension]?
Name three of the five common types of bridges.
What is [create a blueprint, review land maps, compile a formal report with deadlines, costs, and needed materials]?
Name one thing a construction engineer should do before starting a project.
What are arch, buttress, embankment, and gravity?
Name the four types of dams that you created in the four corners reservoir activity.
What is a professional transportation engineer?
This is a professional who has a minimum of four years of experience in a discipline such as bridge design, highway construction, or traffic engineering.
What is 25%?
This percentage of the 4 million plastic bottles used each hour in the United States get recycled.

Introduction to Civil Engineering

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