Politics | The Family | Education | Social Change | Wild Card |
What is a system of government agencies and programs that provides benefits to the population?
The welfare state
What is a social bond based on common ancestry, marriage, or adoption?
What is formal instruction under the direction of specially trained teachers?
What kind of social change occurs by spreading products, people, and ideas from one society to others?
What is the theory that argues the language that you speak strongly influences the way you perceive the world around you?
The Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis
What is the end of the political spectrum that typically favors increasing government programs associated with the welfare state?
What is a theory that views courtship and marriage as forms of negotiation in which people "shop around" for the best deal?
Social Exchange Theory
What theory argues that schools support the smooth operation and stability of society?
Structural-Functional Theory
What is activity involving a large number of people that is unplanned, often controversial, and can bring about change?
Collective behavior
What is the lifelong social experience by which people develop their human potential and learn culture?
What is the end of the political spectrum that typically favors decreasing government programs associated with the welfare state?
What is actual or threatened violent crimes committed against individuals by their current or former spouses, cohabiting partners, boyfriends, or girlfriends?
Intimate Partner Violence
What guidelines require that schools punish students severely for any behavior that might be considered violent?
Zero tolerance policies
What is a temporary gathering of people who share a common focus of attention and who influence one another?
A Crowd
What is a social position a person takes on voluntarily that reflects personal ability and effort?
An achieved status
What is the phenomenon in which U.S. Citizens are less likely to vote today than they were a century ago?
Voter apathy
What are courtship, marriage, child-rearing, and empty nest?
Stages of Family Life
What is thought to be caused by rigid uniformity, numerical ratings, rigid expectations, specialization, and a lack of individual responsibility?
Student passivity
What is an unconventional social pattern that people embrace briefly but enthusiastically?
A Fad
What is a way of thinking that emphasizes deliberate, matter-of-fact calculation of the most efficient way to accomplish a particular task?
What is the percentage of Americans who identified as Independent or 3rd party in 2015?
What is a form of emotional abuse based on trying to manipulate someone’s sense of reality?
What is the practice of awarding increasingly high grades for average work?
Grade inflation
What is a term coined to describe attempts at social change that require very little effort and personal risk?
What is the odd behavior of Olympic athletes that we discussed on the very first day of class?
Biting their gold medals