Groups and Organizations Deviance Social Stratification Gender Stratification Race and Ethnicity
What is a secondary group
This type of social group tends to be larger, more formal, and organized around a specific goal
What is crime
Breaking a formal rule that society has decided is important enough to make into a law
What is wealth
This is all of your possessions and assets minus all of your debts
What is gender
This is the personal traits and social positions that members of a society attach to being male or female
What is race
A category of people who are perceived to share distinct physical characteristics that are deemed socially significant
What is in-group bias
This is the belief that the members of a group you belong to are superior to the members of a group you do not belong to
What is structural functionalism
This theoretical perspective argues that since every society has deviance, deviance must serve an important purpose.
What is structural functionalism
This theoretical perspective argues that social stratification and inequality serve a positive purpose for society
Who are intersex people
People whose bodies (including genitals) have both female and male characteristics
What is a minority group
A category of people with unequal access to positions of power, prestige, and wealth in a society who tend to be targets of prejudice and discrimination
What is the Asch Conformity Experiment
This used questions about a series of lines to demonstrate the power groups have over individuals
What is Merton's Strain Theory
This theory suggests that crime occurs when people have access to the goals of society but lack access to the legitimate means of achieving those goals.
What are capitalists
This wealthy group of people own the means of production
What is "doing gender"
This theory argues that gender isn't something that a person IS, but something that a person DOES
What is prejudice
Negative attitudes and feelings toward or about an entire category of people
What is bureaucracy
This is an organized model for a type of secondary group rationally designed to perform tasks efficiently
What is Labeling Theory
This theory states that a lot of crime occurs not because of the negative reactions of society to people who have been branded as bad
What is conspicuous consumption
This phenomenon involves buying products and services not out of need but in order to create categories of people
What is separate spheres
This set of theories argues that women and men have different roles in society that are based on their biological differences and abilities
What is discrimination
Actions or practices that result in differential treatment of categories of individuals
What is a reference group
This type of social group is used as a guide in making evaluations and decisions, and can lead to FOMO
What is deterrence
This is the use of harm or the threat of harm to prevent unwanted behaviors
What is income
This is the money you bring home on a regular basis in compensation for work or as a return on investments
What is feminism
This set of theories is based in support of equality for men and women, in opposition to patriarchy and sexism
What is ethnicity
A shared cultural heritage, nationality, or lineage

Intro to Sociology Exam 2

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