Deserts | Desert Animals |
What is a desert?
a place that gets less than 15 centimeters of rain a year
What is a spiny lizard?
its sharp, spiny scales keep it from losing water through its skin
What is a habitat?
the place where an animal or plant live
What is a desert tortoise?
stays in an underground shelter it digs with its powerful front legs to avoid the heat
What is the saguaro cactus?
has a hard, waxy covering that keeps it from drying out, and spines that help keep hungry animals away from the cactus
What is the kit fox?
loses heat through its large ears
What are desert plants and animals?
need water to live, but their habitat gets little rain
What is the elf owl?
a tiny animal with large eyes that can see as well at night as you can in the daylight
What is the Sonoran Desert
the saguaro cactus lives in this desert
What is a kangaroo rat?
stuff seeds, grass, and cactus bits into pouches inside its cheeks and hops into its burrows