Principles of Interpersonal Power | Types of Power |
What is Interpersonal Power?
The ability to influence another person's decision or action
What is a Parallel Relationship?
A relationship that is not purely complementary or symmetric
What is an Interdependent Relationship?
When two individuals are mutually satisfying each other's needs
What is a Submissive Symmetric Relationship?
Relationship in which neither partner wants to take control
What is a Dependent Relationship?
One person has a greater need for the partner to satisfy his or her needs
What is a Complementary Relationship?
One partner usually dominates and the other submits
What are Recognition, Acknowledgment, and Endorsement?
The stages of The Confirming Behaviour Theory
What is a Parallel Relationship?
A shifting back and forth of the power between the partners, depending on the situation
What is Relational Stability?
Occurs when partners reach an agreement about power in their relationship
What is a Competitive Symmetric Relationship?
Exists when both partners are vying for control or dominance over the other person