Mindfulness Obtaining Objectives Skillfully Troubleshooting and more Validation I Love Random Questions
What is Mindfulness
This means intentionally living with awareness in the present moment, without judging or rejecting it, and without attachment to the moment
What is DEAR MAN
This is the skill to use to be effective in asserting your rights and wishes
What is Troubleshoot
What to do when what you are doing is not working
What is Validation
Acknowledging that a person's emotions, thoughts, and behaviors have causes and are therefore understandable is a part of this definition
What is June
In what month is the official first day of summer in the Northern Hemisphere?
What are Emotional Mind, Reasonable Mind, Wise Mind
The three States of Mind
What is a relationship
The GIVE skill is used when you want to grow or maintain this
What is "Do I have the skills I need?"
This is the first question to ask when troubleshooting
What is Pay Attention
Look interested, listen and observe. Make eye contact. Stay focused are parts of this on the "how to" guide
Cassiopeia (Cassie)
What is Taylor A.'s cats name?
What are Non-judgmentally, one-mindfully, effectively
These are known as The How Skills
What is how firm/intense you ask or say no
Consider factors such as capability, priorities, self-respect, rights and authority when thinking about this
What is TIP, self soothing (Distress Tolerance skills) or Mindfulness of Current Emotions
When your emotions are getting in the way of using your skills, you can try these skills
What is Understand
Look for how the person feels, is thinking, or if he or she is making sense, given the history, state of mind, current events, etc. are directions for what, on the "how to" guide
What is Community Reinforcement
Replacing addiction reinforcers with abstinence reinforcers (such as spending time with people who are not addicted) is one idea from this handout
What is Participating
Dancing to music and singing in the shower are examples of this skill
What is Easy Manner
Use a little humor, SMILE, ease the person along, and sweet talk are a part of this GIVE skill
What is a pros and cons matrix
When considering if short term-goals are getting in the way of long-term goals, do one of these
What is when Invalidation is HELPFUL
When invalidation corrects important mistakes (your facts are wrong) or it stimulates intellectual and personal growth by listening to other views, we say that invalidation is _____
New Zealand
In which country, famed for its glaciers, sheep and rugby players, did the first commercial bungee-jump take place?
What are Goals
Reduce Suffering/Increase Happiness, Increase Control of Your Mind, Experience Realty As It Is are the three ____ of mindfulness?
What is Stick to Values
What does the S stand for in FAST
What are Worries, Assumptions and Myths
"They won't like me", "I won't do it right", and "Only wimps have values" are examples of what 3 things that get in the way? (need all 3 words)
Validate yourself exactly the way you would validate someone else
The golden rule we ended the validation section with..
What are Solve the problem, Feel better about the problem, Tolerate the problem, Stay miserable
Options for Solving any Problem (need all 4)

Interpersonal Effectiveness

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