Nonverbal Communication | Emotions | Relationships with Friends | Relationships with Romantic Partners |
What is kinesics?
This nonverbal communication code includes communication through visible body movements.
What is >:
This is the angry sign for text messages.
What is a high level?
Shy people have this level of communication apprehension.
What is Birds-of-a-feather effect?
This effect is defined as “being attracted to those we perceive as similar to ourselves”.
What is an illustrator?
These are used to enhance or compliment our verbal expressions.
What is a hard time turning down temptations that arise, will get stressed out more easily, and have more emotional outbursts when they get frustrated?
The marshmallow test reveals this about a person’s level of patience and emotional stability as an adult.
What is keeping confidence?
This is a synonym for trust in friendships.
What is your social network?
This term is used to describe the people who are around your relationship who can either approve or disapprove of the relationship.
What is kinesics, vocalics, haptics, proxemics, territoriality, chronemics, physical appearance, artifacts, and environment?
These nine categories make up the nonverbal communication codes. (List 4)
What is stereotyping?
This action can describe assuming a person who s in the Dragoncon Club and then you presume that are into spacecraft stories and love Star Wars.
What is a low-level of communication apprehension?
When a person approaches you and starts a conversation they are exhibiting this.
What is the initiating stage?
The first stage of coming together in a romantic relationship.
What is 93%?
Nonverbal communication makes up this percentage of all communication.
What is counting to 10 before responding to an issue?
This strategy was adopted by Thomas Jefferson for managing moments of anger.
What is trust?
A lack of this results in invasive actions or creeping.
What is relational maintenance?
Defined as “Using communication and supportive behaviors to sustain a desired relationship status and level of satisfaction”.
What is the 1960 Kennedy-Nixon election?
This election first revealed the importance of nonverbal communication in political campaigns.
What is boosting and increasing the previously felt anger?
Suddenly venting anger in an outburst has this result in your emotions.
What is friendship rules?
Keeping confidences is included in this list.
What is the avoiding stage?
The stage of coming apart that follows “Stagnating”.