Heart murmurs | Coronary Circulation - Arteries | Coronary Circulation - Veins | Angina Pectoris & Myocardial Infarction | Fact check |
heart murmurs
The 1st indication of heart valve problems.
Left & right coronary
______ arteries travel within the coronary sulcus of the heart to supply blood to the cells of the heart wall - branches of the ascending aorta
Great vein, middle vein
The ______ runs alongside the anterior interventricular artery and the ______ runs alongside the posterior interventricular artery
Angina Pectoris
Poorly localized pain sensation in the left side of the chest, the left arm & shoulder, sometimes the jaw & back
______ arteries are considered functional end arteries
Valvular insufficiency
When 1 or more of cardiac valves leak bc the valve cusps don't close tightly enough
Circumflex artery
Which artery supplies the left atrium & ventricle?
True or false: because ventricular myocardium is compressed during contraction, most coronary flow occurs during ventricular relaxation
Myocardial Infarction
Due to sudden & complete occlusion of a coronary artery. Region of the myocardium is deprived of oxygen & some of the tissue may die (necrosis)
marginal, interventricular
The right coronary artery typically branches into the right ______ artery, which supplies the lateral wall of the right ventricle, and the posterior ______ artery, which supplies the posterior surface of both the left and right ventricles.
Rheumatic heart disease
Primary cause of valvular stenosis is?
______ allow coronary arteries to shunt a tiny amount of blood from 1 artery to another.
An increased heart rate that shortens diastole
A heart attack
Myocardial Infarction is another name for?
AV bundle
There is an opening in the fibrous skeleton that allows the AV node to communicate with the next part of the conduction system, the ______.
Valvular insufficiency
Inflammation/disease can cause the free ridges of the valve cusps to become scarred & contracted, allowing blood to regurgitate back through the valve. May cause heart enlargement
Posterior atrioventricular artery, anterior atrioventricular artery
The ______ supplies the posterior surface of left & right ventricle while the ______ supplies the anterior surface of both ventricles & most of the interventricular septum
Hypotension (low blood pressure)
Reduces the ability of blood flow through the ventricular myocardium.
Death of tissue due to lack of blood supply
Does mature cardiac cells go through mitosis?
Valvular stenosis
Scarring of the valve cusps so that they become rigid or partially fused & cannot completely open
Artery becomes blocked, anastomoses are too tiny to shunt enough blood to the part of the heart supplied by the branch. The part of the heart wall supplied by this branch dies due to the lack of blood flow.
What does Coronary disease cause?
Middle, small, and great vein
All drain into coronary sinus which dumps into RA
False because women develop flu-like symptoms & are often misdiagnosed
True or false: women experience substernal chest pain that radiates into the left arm/left side of neck because of a myocardial infarction
Coronary spasm & atherosclerosis
What leads to angina pectoris or the more severe myocardial infarction?