Name that Note! | Key Signatures | Rules! | Interval Fever | Terms |
CX - C double sharp
What is the major scale with C# as the dominant?
F# major
When writing rests, what two beats should you not connect?
2 and 3!
C# to GX
Augmented 5th
What kind of cadence is IV to V?
Ebb (E double flat)
What is the major scale with Bb as the leading tone?
Cb major
What is the difference between writing a chromatic scale with and without a key signature?
Without KS: use a bar line, use both sharps and flats
With KS: write in tonic and dominant notes, then double the other notes |
F to D
What is leggiero?
What is the major scale with Db as the subdominant?
Ab major
What is the difference between a major pentatonic and a minor pentatonic scale?
Major: based on a major scale, remove notes 4 and 7
Minor: based on a minor scale, remove notes 2 and 6 |
Eb to Bbb
dim 5
What is ma, piu, and poco?
But, more, little
What is the minor scale with G# as the dominant
c# minor
What is the pattern for an octatonic scale?
or ST T ST T |
Name the interval: Ab to B
What would the inverted interval be?
Inversion: dim 7 |
What is tre corde and una corda?
Three strings, one string
What is the leading tone of c# minor scale?
BX (B double sharp)
What is the tonic harmonic of A major?
a minor harmonic minor
How do you write a blues scale?
1) Write a major scale
2) Remove notes 2 and 6 3) Double the 5th 4) Flatten 3, 5, 7 |
Name the interval: G# to B
What would the inverted interval be?
Inversion: +6 |
Con brio, con esspresione, con moto
With vigour, with expression, with movement