Elements of Art | Artists | All things Art |
What is red, blue, yellow
What are the 3 primary colors
Who is Andy Warhol
Known for his Campbell Soup Can series, and for being a Pop Artist
What is Texture
Rough, soft, smooth, slimy, bumpy, prickly are words to describe this element of art
What is purple, green, orange
What are the 3 secondary colors (made with primary colors)
Who is Pablo Picasso
Known for painting crazy faces, and inventing Cubism
pencil, marker, crayon, chalk, oil pastels, paint, charcoal, paper, glue, etc.
Name 3 different types of mediums
What is line
This mark can be horizontal, vertical, diagonal, curvy, wavy, or zig-zag
Who is Jackson Pollock
Known for painting enormous drip paintings (action painting)
What is Color
Hue is another name for what?
What is form
This element of art is three-dimensional
What is Vincent van Gogh
Painted the Starry Night
What is Origami
The art of folding paper is called
What is space
Created when bigger things are drawn to look closer and smaller things are drawn to look farther away
Who is Leonardo da Vinci
Painted the Mona Lisa
What is Heart Series
What was the name of the series Jim Dine created