Animals | Entertainment | Hum that tune | Academic | Misc |
How many noses does a slug have?
Snuffleupagus Which character is Big Birds best friend? |
Under the Sea, Part of your world, kiss the girl
Sing the tune of The Little Mermaid |
What is the strongest rock in the world? |
How many black keys on a piano |
Elephant, sloth, hippo rhino
Name an animal that cannot jump
Who is the villain in Lion King?
A whole new world, Price Ali
Sing the tune of Aladdin
What is the largest organ on the body?
In which country did tea originate? |
10 (8 walking and 2 claw legs)
How many legs does a lobster have?
Kevin McCallister
Name main character in Home Alone?
Could have been me, I still haven't found what I'm looking for, Sky full of stars, Where the streets have no name, bad guy, I say a little prayer, higher love, stuck in a moment
Could have been me, I still haven't found what I'm looking for, Sky full of stars, Where the streets have no name, bad guy, I say a little prayer, higher love, stuck in a moment
Sing the tune of Sing 2 |
Which language is spoken most in the world? |
Antarctica Where can you find penguins? |
white or colourless
What is the colour of the blood of cockroaches?
Ariana Grande What is the real name of the actor who plays Sam in Victorious? |
Do you want to build a snowman, for the first time in Forever
Sing a tune from Frozen (Not let it go) |
Alexander Bell
Alexander Bell
Who invented the telephone? |
Erie, Huron, Michigan, Ontario, Superior Name the five Great lakes |
Kangaroo rat
What animal does not need to drink water its entire life?
Madagascar What is the name of the movie about animals wanting to escape the zoo? |
Sing a song from Beauty and the Beast
Be our guest, Beauty and the beast (Tale as old as time) Sing a song from Beauty and the Beast |
Sweeden, Norway, Russia, canada, Alaska, Greeland Where can you find northern lights? |
Where is the Colosseum? |