Refraction | Incidence | Attenuation | Decibels | Etc |
What is the change in direction of wave propagation when traveling from one medium to another called?
Orthogonal, perpendicular, and right angle describe 90 degrees normal incidence.
T or F. Orthogonal is another term used to describe oblique incidence.
As the path length increases, the attenuation of ultrasound in soft tissue ____
For every 3dB change, the intensity will do what?
What is the log of 10,000?
Refraction is known as ____ with a bend.
50 w/cm^2 since it is totally reflected.
A sound wave with an intensity of 50 w/cm^2 strikes a boundary and is totally reflected. What is the reflected intensity?
Attenuation in air is greater.
T or F: Attenuation in air is less than attenuation in soft tissue.
What was the decibel change if the intensity of a sound beam was reduced one-half?
Reflected Angle = _____ Angle
The transmission angle will be LESS than the incident if Medium 2 is less than medium 1.
The transmission angle will be more than the incident angle when the speed of Medium 2 is less than the speed of Medium 1. True or False?
If there is an oblique incidence between two different propagation speeds of two media, what will occur?
What happens to the depth of penetration if frequency were to decrease?
Start level (reference) and end level (actual)
Decibels require what 2 intensities?
Half the frequency
What is the attenuation coefficient equal to?
The transmission angle is greater than the incident angle.
What does Speed 2 greater than Speed 1 mean?
Remember the Energy Conservation Law, and coefficients are measured in % not w/cm^2.
A sound wave with an intensity of 50 w/cm^2 strikes a boundary and is totally reflected. What is the intensity reflection coefficient?
Attenuation and propagation speed are unrelated.
Attenuation will increase with the speed of sound; true or false?
Fill in the blank: Decibel notation is ______.
Structures that do not attenuate much have a thick half-value layer thickness. True or False?
1. Oblique Incidence
2. Different propagation speeds
What two criteria are required for refraction to occur?
remember refraction cannot occur with normal incidence.
A sound wave strikes a boundary of identical medias at a normal incidence. Will 100%, 75%, 0%, 25%, 1%, or 90% of the beam be refracted?
Absorption, reflection, and scattering
What three processes contribute to attenuation?
If the initial intensity of a sound beam is less than the final intensity, then the gain in dB is ___?
What half-value layer thickness does a high frequency have?