Catholic Views LDS Views Abortion
True or false, according to the Catholic faith, a couple struggling with infertility should try in-vitro fertilization or surrogacy.
False (p. 493)
According to the LDS church’s handbook, when is abortion permitted?
It’s always strongly discouraged. In cases of rape or incest, abortion may occassionally be permitted, but it’s a very serious subject involving the woman and the Lord
When does the Catholic church believe life begins?
At conception (p. 490, left page, first column, paragraph four)
Why does the Catholic Church believe human procreation must take place in marriage?
The procreation of a new person involves the fidelity of each spouse in respect to their right to become a father and a mother only through each other (p. 492)
True or False, according to the Catholic faith, freezing the embryo in order to save its life is morally permissible as embryos must be “defended in its integrity, tended and cared for, to the extent possible.”
False (p. 491, right column, paragraph 2)
According to the LDS church, when does life officially begin?
The church has no official stance on when life begins
True or False: The Catholic church believes that since an embryo is a human being, it is to be respected and treated as a person, which includes the inviolable right to life.
True. Since an embryo must be treated as a person, it must be defended, tended and cared for, in the same way as any other human being (p. 490)
True or false: Artificial insemination is acceptable if the technical means facilitates the conjugal act or helps it to reach it natural objectives.
True - if the procedure were to replace the conjugal act, it is morally illicit (p. 495)
According to the Catholic faith, what are the two fundamental values connected with the techniques of artificial human procreation?
1) The life of the human being call into existence and 2) the special nature of the transmission of human life in marriage (p. 489, first paragraph of "Fundamental Criteria for a Moral Judgment")
True or false, reproductive technologies such as surgical sterilization are encouraged by the church.
Answer: False
Which authors/organizations are generally pro choice and which are against?
Pro: Thomson, Warren, Giubilini and Minerva, Hursthouse
Against: Catholic and LDS church, Kaczor
Under what circumstances does the catholic church believe in-vitro fertilization to be a valid option?
How does the Catholic church regard doctors who do or encourage research on embryos, especially research that results in human life?
These doctors are trying to exercise power over life and death, which belongs to God alone (p. 491, left column, paragraph 3)
If a couple married and sealed in the temple have a child with the aid of a surrogate mother, is that child automatically sealed to them?
No. They may only be sealed as a family with first presidency approval.
What is one major difference between the Catholic Church and Warren’s view on humanity and the moral community?
Warren makes a distinction between a moral community and humans while the Catholich church makes no distinction.
Does heterologous artificial fertilization conform to the dignity of the couple and to the truth of marriage?
No. It is contrary to the unity of marriage, the dignity of the spouses, and to the child’s right to be conceived and brought into the world in marriage and from marriage (p. 492)
A Catholic mother has a genetic disorder and is concerned any child of hers will also have this disorder, according to their beliefs, how would her Catholic doctor advise her? Would he suggest embryonic gene therapy? Why or why not?
No, “certain attempts to influence chromosomal or genetic inheritance are not therapeutic… (491).” Gene therapy also requires IVF which is morally wrong, according to the Catholic church.
What are our Church’s official views on “homologous artificial fertilization”?
Both artificial insemination and in vitro fertilization can “assist a married woman and man in their righteous desire to have children.” Children conceived by these methods are born in the covenant if their parents are already sealed.
The article mentions the Abortion Mentality, and the dangers thereof. What dangers do they mention?
Domination over life and death, and radical eugenics
(Page 492)

Instruction on Respect for Human Life in Its Origin and on the Dignity of Procreation

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