Structure | Types | History | Survival | Classification |
What is six?
Insects have this many legs.
What is metamorphosis?
The process in which insects go from one form to another.
What is water?
Insects first were born in the opposite of land.
What is consumers?
Insects are the opposite of producers.
What is eukaryotes?
The kingdom Protista is made up of this.
What is the thorax
The insect's legs are attached to this body part.
What is Arthropoda?
The Phylum for insects is this.
What is an insect that has lived within a period before written records?
Prehistoric insect means this.
What is by eating plants and other living things?
Insects get their energy from this.
What is Arthropoda?
The phylum insects are in.
What is a exoskeleton?
The shell outside an insect's body to protect them.
What is the Elephant Beetle?
The 3rd biggest insect in the world. They are commonly found in Africa, and the males have big horns to show off.
What is Linnaeus?
This person came up with the classification system.
What is fruit?
Small insects like the Red Bug, eat ... from bushes and trees.
What is Euglena?
The genus for an earthworm.
What is three?
Parts of an insects are split up into this many parts.
What is any beetle from tropical regions?
This insect is called the Jewel of the Insect World because of its exoskeleton.
What is Asia and Africa?
These two countries had crickets originally come from them.
What is false?
All insects are omnivores.
What is Coleoptera?
The order in which a lady bug is in.
What is invertebrates?
Insects are invertebrates or vertebrates?
What is Nanosellini?
In this tribe, beetles are only one millimeter long.
What is 2013?
This particularly year bees died off the most.
What is egg, larva, pupa, and adult?
The four stages that a insect must go threw to have a full metamorphosis.
What is Gryllinae?
The scientific name for a cricket if this.