Function | Histology | Special characteristic |
What is a natural killer cell?
It is the innate cell responsible for killing virally infected cells.
What is a natural killer cell?
The cell that is round and has a mononuclear round nucleus
What is a dendritic cell?
It is the star shaped resident phagocyte
What is a macrophage?
It is responsible for phagocytosing bacteria and dead cells
What does a neutrophil look like?
It can have 3-5 nucleus lobes and looks grainy
What is interesting about neutrophils?
They survive about 3 days because of how toxic their granules are
What is an eosinophil?
Its function can be defined in terms of 3 W’s: Worms, wheezing, and weird diseases.
What is a basophil?
The bilobular nucleus of this innate immune cell is often obscured by basophilic granules.
What is a basophil?
This innate immune cell contains heparin granules to reduce blood clotting?