Globalisation | Technology | Cost-Based Competition and Government Policies | Extra Lucky Dip |
What is Globalisation?
The removal of barriers of trade between nations. This Term: is characterised by an increasing integration between national economies and a high movement of money, labour and technology.
What is technology?
Definition: It is the design, construction and application of innovative devices, methods and machinery upon the operations process.
What is a fixed cost?
Costs that do not change regardless of the level of business activity.
What is Corporate Social Responsibility?
Refers to the open and accountable bsuiness actions based on respect for people, community, society and the broader environment. It involves businesses doing more than just complying with the laws and regulations.
What is global sourcing?
Obtaining goods and services in supply chain management from overseas.
What is quality?
How well designed, made and functional goods are, there are high expectations on how the services are organised and delivered.
What is a variable cost?
These are costs that vary in direct relationshhip to the level of business activity (level of production).
What is Foxconn?
The company responsible for producing Apple products. Its practices in the past have been said to not be so ethical.
What is a supply chain?
The range of suppliers a business has and its relationshiop with these suppliers.
What is fitness of purpose?
This is concerned with quality expectations with goods. It is how well the product does what it is designed to do and how easy it is to use.
What is cost based competition?
Definition: derived from determining the breakeven point and then applying strategies to create cost advantages over competitors.
Who is Holden?
This company has just announced that they will stop manufacturing in Australia. The company has been producing in Australia for 100 years and is a well known car company.
What is reverse engineering?
the process that involves a business taking the product of a competitor that has been released in the market and taken apart to see how it is made. The imitating business then makes their own version usually at a lower cost
What is durability?
This is concerned with quality expectations with goods. This refers to how reliable and long lasting the product is and how easily it can be repaired and maintained.
What are compliance costs?
Expenses associated with meeting the requirements of legal regulation by abiding by all laws.
What is the International Labour Organisation?
This organisation does regular checks to make sure that people who are working in developing country manufacturing businesses are treated fairly and ethically.
What is Innovation?
When the business creates new and novel products through investing in research and development and then leads the market
What is level of customisation?
this has to do with quality expectations on services. It is how well the particular needs of the customer are fulfilled by the service provider through the application of expertise and experience.
What is environmental sustainability?
When business operations should be shaped around practices that consume resources today without compromising access to those resources for future generations.
What is fiduciary?
A person in a position of financial trust with respect to others' money.