Inference Game Cards | Frindle | The Castle in the Attic | Scholastics |
The teacher is upset that Grant did not do his homework. Explain your answer using schema.
"Where is your homework?" asked the teacher.
"Umm, I was sick," said Grant. "You were in school," said the teacher. " I got sick after school," said Grant. "I saw you at the baseball game," said the teacher. "I got sick later," said Grant. "You should have done your homework before the game, Grant." -What is the mood of the teacher? |
Mrs. Avery is always scanning the room, trying to figure out who was making the sound? Explain your schema or report with supporting details for the text.
Mrs. Avery never figured out who was making the sound, and she gradually trained herself to ignore it. But she still looked like a hawk.
-What movement does Mrs. Avery exhibit? |
Mrs. Phillips is going back to England where she is from. Explain your schema or report with supporting details for the text.
"Even if you don't want it, I will be leaving, William. I hope I don't have to drag it back with me. It belongs here with you now."
-Where is Mrs. Phillips going? |
-Unlike humans, robots don't need to be paid, so it's cheaper to run a business with robots vs. people.
A hotel staffed by robots may sound like a gimmick. But its owners insist that they're making an important point about how robots can change the way businesses are run...."I also wanted to do something about hotel prices going up."
-What can you infer about the cost of running a business with robots? |
Geneva is about to audition for a musical group.Explain your answer using schema.
Geneva was nervous. She hoped Mr. Lawrence wouldn't call on her next. She wasn't ready and would make mistakes. Then she would not get another chance until next year! She wanted to be chosen this year. She licked her lips, which were very dry. They had to be wet if she was going to play well. She took a deep breath. Now she was ready.
-What is Geneva about to do? |
Nick is feeling embarrassed that he wasn't paying attention and now stressed that he has to do an extra assignment. Explain your schema or report with supporting details for the text.
Nick barely heard the assignment. His heart was pounding, and he felt small, very small. He could feel the tops of his ears glowing red. A complete shutdown. An extra assignment. And probably a little black mark next to his name on the seating chart.
-How is Nick feeling, what is his mood? |
Many practices! Explain your schema or report with supporting details for the text.
"Are you going to spot me?"
"The first time. Then you're going to try it on your own. We still have to add the Arabian dive roll. The meet is exactly one month from today." -How many times will it take William to learn the Arabian dive roll? |
You also won't see people wielding selfie sticks in many museums, including the Museum of Art in New York.
-Why are selfie sticks being banned in tourist attractions? |
In America we start on the left and in Egypt they start on the right. Explain your answer using schema.
Ahmad lived in Egypt until he was 11 years old. Now he lives in the United States. Ahmad found it easy to get along with American students. He could speak, read, and write in English. He had the most trouble writing. He was so used to writing in Egyptian that writing in English was hard. Ahmad always started on the right-hand side of the paper. He wrote toward the left-hand side. He knew he was wrong, but he kept forgetting.
-How does writing in America differ from writing in Egypt? |
Because Janet turned bright red, her voice cracked like she might cry. Explain your schema or report with supporting details for the text.
Janet, who was sitting four rows away from Nick, promptly turned white, then bright crimson. "But it wasn't me....honest." There was a catch in Janet's voice, as if she might cry.
-How does Mrs. Avery know she made a mistake blaming Janet for the peep? |
William is in a very dangerous situation. Explain your schema or report with supporting details for the text.
"My helmet, William. Your hands must be free to reach your dagger. stay close to me. The forest will be full of noise of nimals.Strange apparitions will tempt you on every side, but no matter what, you must stay on the path. They say that he noise often drives people mad because it is so constant. Talk to yourself if you have to shut it out. Are you ready?
-From the background, what kind of situation is William in? |
The students are at a circus. Explain your answer using schema.
The six grade students sat on the bleachers and watched what was happening. Ballerinas danced on the backs of horses, and clowns performed tricks in all three rings. A man was making tigers jump through hoops that were on fire! There was a lot of excitement in the tent.
-Where are the sixth grade students? |
Mrs. Granger is an older teacher. Explain your schema or report with supporting details for the text.
Her hair was almost white, swept away from her face and up into something like a nest on the back of her head.
-How old is Mrs. Granger? |
He spends his time alone. Explain your schema or report with supporting details for the text.
In the next few days, William realized that the wizard was more eager for an audience than for a fool. The old man seemed to relish in the hours when he could trap William and tell him tales of the particularly evil spells he'd cast, of the bad children he'd turned into toads, and the young women he'd changed into crones."
-What do we know about how the wizard spends his time? |
Good job!
Do 10 jumping jacks!
You are clever!
Say the alphabet backwards.
Did you say: banana, sun, squash, sticky notes, taxi cab?
Name 5 things that are yellow!