PPE | Hand Hygiene | Precautions | Needle Sticks & Sharps Injury Prevention |
To protect yourself, and the patient from spreading infectious diseases and/or bodily fluids.
What is the purpose of PPE?
Washing with soap and water, and cleansing with hand sanitizer.
What are the two types of hand hygiene?
Universal, Standard, Contact, Droplet, Airborne, and Strict Airborne (Neutropenic).
List the different types of precautions.
Universal Precautions
What precaution does needle stick and sharps injury prevention fall under?
What is the most commonly used type of PPE?
Contact with bodily fluids, touching non-intact skin or mucous membranes, when hands are visibly soiled, contaminated areas, etc.
When would soap and water be THE choice in the healthcare setting?
Chicken Pox, Herpes Zoster, Measles, TB, etc.
What are some examples of illnesses that may require Airborne Precautions?
Push the safety over the needle, until you have an opportunity to dispose of sharps in an appropriate sharps disposal container. NEVER throw away loose needles and other sharps in trash cans or recycling bins, and NEVER flush them down the toilet.
What would you do if you cannot find a sharps container to dispose of a needle/sharp?
Demonstrate how to properly put on and dispose of Contact Precaution PPE.
According to the CDC, use 3-5 mLs of soap, and scrub hands for at least 20 seconds (the length of singing the ‘Happy Birthday’ song twice).
How much soap, and for how long should you wash your hands for?
An immunocompromised patient, with an absolute neutrophil count < 500, or otherwise identified at the physician’s discretions.
What type of patient would be placed under Neutropenic Precautions?
Adhere to facility policy guidelines; Wash exposed area right away with water and soap or use an antiseptic (rubbing alcohol or hand sanitizer). In some cases an antiretroviral pill can be taken 1-4 hours after injury (NIH).
What are the guidelines to follow if a healthcare member is accidentally pricked by a needle or sharp?