The Basics | Bloodbourne Pathogens & Personal Protecive Equipment | Transmission |
What is wash your hands.
You should do this before beginning work, after using the bathroom, after you sneeze, cough or wipe your nose,
What is a bloodbourne pathogen.
A bloodbourne disease that can be spread by contamination by blood.
Needlestick or splash with body fluids
Two ways that a HCW could be exposed to HBV
What is wash your hands.
You should do this before and after wearing gloves, after handling trash, after smoking or eating, before going home for the day.
What is inhalation, ingestion, eye or skin contact, puncture or needle sticks.
Name two routes of exposure for bloodbourne pathogens.
Blood spill kit.
Use this to clean up a blood or body fluid spill.
What is at least 20 seconds.
The length of time you should wash your hands throughout the day.
What is follow universal precautions, frequent hand washing, PPE.
Name three ways to protect yourself from bloodbourne pathogens.
Your hands are not visibly soiled.
You may substitute soap and water with the use of hand-sanitizer if this is true.
The single most effective way to prevent the spread of communicable diseases.
What is gloves, masks, gowns, & goggles/shields.
Name four types of personal protective equipment.
What is indirect exposure.
This type of exposure occurs when an organism is transferred to a stethoscope and then used on another individual.
What is 2 minutes.
The length of time you should wash your hands at the beginning and end of your shift.
The three most common BBPs in the healthcare setting.
Pathogen, Reservoir, Port of Exit, Transmission, Portal of Entry, Susceptible Host.
What are the six elements which must be present to keep the spread of infection going?