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These rats were nuisances, and the packers would put poisoned bread out for them; they would die, and then rats, bread, and meat would go into the hoppers together. The authors use the term “nuisances” to mean
California Gold Rush
This is the reason many Chinese people immigrated to the U.S.
A person who exposes corruption in industry or government is known as a(n)
Ellis Island
This place located in New York is where most European immigrants passed through before entering the U.S
Assembly Line
This process allows for products to be made quickly because each member of the production team has one job which they do very quickly.
Assimilation is the absorption of a minority group into a larger culture. .
Define Assimilation
Labor Union
An organization or group of workers associated with worker’s rights?
Angel Island
This place located in San Francisco is where most Asian immigrants passed through before entering the U.S.
The Chinese Exclusion Act
In 1882, Congress passed this law which was the first race-based immigration restriction in America.
Rise of Big Business
Corporations, stocks, and trusts are most closely connected with
This ethnic group was banned from coming to America during this time period
This place is where many immigrants ended up living
Pull Factor
This term relates to reasons immigrants migrate (move) to another country.
"Hands off" the Government should not interfere in business
Define Laissez-Faire
This group of immigrants were resented by Americans because they were Roman Catholic
This place is where many immigrants (men, women, children) worked in unsafe conditions
Push Factor
This term relates to reasons immigrants leave their home country.
A person or group of people having complete control over all of a product or service in a particular field.
Define Monopoly
People who expressed anti-immigrant sentiment and supported policies which favored native born Americans
Hull House
Jane Addams formed this Settlement house after returning from a trip to Europe