Vocabulary | Inventors | Economics | Science | Miscellaneous |
Assembly Line
Workers add parts to a product that moves along a belt from one work station to the next
Thomas Edison
Made the first electric light bulb
Shares in a company
"survival of the fittest"
The process of natural selection came to be known as...
Samuel F. B. Morse
Developed the telegraph
Standard of Living
Measures the quality and availability of necessities and comforts in a society
Alfred Nobel
Invented dynamite
The people as a whole rather than private individuals would own and operate the means of production
Charles Darwin
To explain the long, slow process of evolution, he put forward his theory of natural selection
Florence Nightingale
British nurse who said "The very first requirement in a hospital is that it should do the sick no harm."
mutual-aid societies
Self-help groups to aid sick or injured workers
Henry Bessemer
Developed a new process for making steel from iron
Karl Marx
Disliked capitalism because he said is created prosperity for a few and poverty for many
John Dalton
Developed modern atomic theory
Cambridge University
Male students at _________ rioted against granting degrees to women.
A business organization in an area such as shipping, mining, railroads, or factories
Guglielmo Marconi
Invented the Radio
"The greatest happiness for the greatest number." was a goal of
Robert Koch
Identified the bacterium that caused tuberculosis
Akron, Ohio
Sojourner Truth gave her famous "Ain't I a Woman" speech in...
social gospel
A movement that urged Christians to social service
Nikolaus Otto
Invented a gasoline-powered internal combustion engine
Social democracy
A political ideology in which there is a gradual transition from capitalism to socialism instead of a sudden violent overthrow of the system
Joseph Lister
Discovered how antiseptics prevented infection
New Lanark, Scotland
Robert Owens set up a model "Utopian" community in in...