About Enaiat | The People Enaiat meets | Afghanistan | Iran | Greece |
What is Enaiat's full name?
Enaiatollah Akbari
What is the name of the Hazara boy whom he met in Quetta?
What is Enaiat's first paying job?
Selling Miscellaneous goods at the bazaar
When Enaiat falls ill, why cant they get help?
Because they are illegals
What are the names of the other boys on the dingy that Enaiat takes to Greece?
Soltan, Liaqat, and Hussein Ali
Approximately how old was Enaiat when he finished telling his story?
21 years old
Who tells Enaiat that he is scared of the sea because of crocodiles?
Hussein Ali
What did Enaiat call his mother and father?
"Mother" and "Father"
Who does Enaiat travel to Iran with?
What happened when the old lady found Enaiat in her yard?
The old lady gave him clothes and money
What was the name of Enaiat's hometown?
Who fosters Enaiat while he is in Italy?
Danila and her family
What's the game Enaiat plays with his friends in Nava?
Bazul Bazi
What is the deal Enaiat strikes with the trafficker?
The trafficker chooses where he works, and takes his wages for four months
On the train, what did the man misinterpret "please, Rome" for?
He thought Enaiat was asking for rum
What Persian speaking group is Enaiat put into as one of the main three in Afghanistan?
The Hazara's
What is the name of the journalist whom listens and documents Enaiat's story?
Fabio Geda
How old does Enaiat think he was when his father died?
six years old
What is the name of the sacred grave in Qom?
Fatima al-Masuma
Whom did Enaiat run into on the ferry?
What language does Enaiat learn to speak at the end of the book?
how many people were on the dingy he took to Greece?
Why did the Taliban kill Enaiat's teacher?
Because he refused to shutdown the school
What does Enaiat's nickname "felfeli" mean?
Chili pepper
Why is Enaiat granted asylum
By showing them an article about a Taliban boy killing an "American spy"