Painters Verbs to Speak about Impressionism Translation Fait Divers
Who is Édouard Manet
Which impressionist artist used a lot of black and white in his paintings and was considered a “provocateur.”
What is “utiliser.”
This verb means “to use.” An example: Claude Monet used bright colors in his paintings.
What is “They used bright colors in their paintings.”
Ils utilisaient les couleurs vives dans leurs peintures.
What is paint in tubes and / or the easel.
Name one invention that allowed the impressionist painters to paint outdoors.
Who is Mary Cassatt
Which impressionist artist painted every day scenes of mostly women and children.
What is “peindre.”
This verb means “to paint.” An example: The Impressionist painters painted outdoors.
What is “They painted every day scenes in their every day lives.”
Ils peignaient les scenes de tous les jours de leurs vies quotidiennes.
What is fleeting moments of happiness, reflections of light on various objects.
What were the Impressionists trying to capture in their paintings?
Who is Claude Monet
This artist is considered as the “father” of Impressionism. He enjoyed painting the water lilies in his garden in Giverny, France.
What is “choisir.”
This verb means “to choose.” An example: The Impressionists other points of view, such as the high-angle, plunging views or low-angle views.
What is “They we’re inspired by photography and Japanese etchings.
Ils étaient inspires de la photographie et des estampes japonaises.
What is the Industrial Revolution.
What other revolution was occurring during this same time period as shown in painting by Claude Monet.
Who is Edgar Degas
This impressionist artist didn’t like to paint outdoors and was fascinated by motion. He enjoyed painting ballet dancers and horses in polo matches.
What is “centrer.”
This verb means “to center.” An example: The classical painters always centered their sujets on the canvas.
What is “The impressionist painters played with the framing of their compositions.
Les peintres impressionnistes jouaient avec le cadrage de leurs compositions.
Because the color and the feeling the painting was created to elicit from the viewer were more important than the actual forms and subject.
Why didn’t the Impressionist artists pay attention to creating fine line between objects in their paintings?
Who is Paul Cezanne.
This impressionist artist painted, “The Card Players.” He also painted “Mont Saint Victoire” and was fascinated with adding geometric shapes in his work.
What is “mélanger.”
This verb means “to mix.” An example: The Impressionists didn’t mix their colors on a palette but rather right on the canvas.
What is “The brushstrokes of the Impressionist painters were visible, thick, and quickly applied.”
Les traits de pinceau des Impressionnistes étaient visibles, épaisses, et rapides.
What is “asymmetrical composition.” The subject of the painting is off center.
Name one way in which the Japanese etchings / engravings influenced the Impressionist artists.


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