Causes Signs & Symptoms Contraindications Interventions Nursing Process
What is
Encourage deep breathing and coughing every hour
To promote respiratory function in the immobilized client, the nurse should:
1. Change the client's position every 4 to 8 hours
2. Encourage deep breathing and coughing every hour
3. Use oxygen and nebulizer treatments regularly
4. Suction the client's se
Strategy: Determine the least stable client.
(1) caused by reflux of gastric contents into esophagus, treatment is small frequent
meals, don’t
consume fluids with food, don’t wear tight clothing
(2) correct–indicates chest pain, needs to seek medical atte
The nurse has just returned to the desk and has four phone messages to return. Which of the following messages should the nurse return FIRST?
1. A woman in her first trimester of pregnancy complaining of heartburn.
2. A man complaining of heartburn that r
1, 2, 3, 4, 6
Regular physical activity and exercise enhances functioning of all body systems, including cardiopulmonary functioning (endurance), musculoskeletal fitness (flexibility and bone integrity), weight control and maintenance (body image), and ps
When discussing the benefits of physical activity and exercise with a client, the nurse identifies which of the following as a positive outcome to the client? (Select all that apply.)
1. Stress management
2. Enhanced cardiac output
3. Improved bone integr

Immobility in Mothers

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