Sweet golden elixir | JAMA RCE Asylum | Electrolytes | Name that disease | My beating (palpitating) heart |
What is a RBC Cast?
What is reduced tactile fremitus (LR 0.21)?
The absence of this finding is the best for ruling out pleural effusion
What is Chloride?
Your kidney counts this electrolyte to determine its EABV
What is MEN-1?
Hypercalcemia, Galactorhhea, Hypoglycemia
What is hypokalemia?
What is a Granular Cast?
What is ascites (LR 7.6)?
This finding best rules in cirrhosis
What is Calcium? (If you said magnesium, come and talk to me after ... you've just been accepted into a Nephology fellowship)
Elevated concentrations of this electrolyte causes a "lasix like" effect on your kidney
What is PAN?
Intestinal angina, hypertension, renal micro-aneurysms
What is WPW?
What is a WBC Cast?
What is an ulcer area greater than 2cm2 (LR 7.2)?
Will accept positive probe to bone (LR 6.4)?
This finding best rules osteomyelitis in a diabetic patient
What is magnesium? (If you didn't say this, come and talk to me after ... you've been removed from the program)
Lack of this electrolyte causes PTH resistance
What is aHUS?
MAHA, renal failure, confusion, normal ADAMTS-13
What is Brugada syndrome?
What is Candiduria?
What is a pulsus paradoxus > 10 mm Hg (LR 3.3)?
In a patient with a pericardial effusion, this finding best rules in tamponade
What is 110-125cc/hour (It is always this, but not really ... but really)
The dose of normal saline required to correct a 45yo M 60Kg patient with a Na of 115 without symptoms by 12 in 24 hours.
What is Fabry's?
Ash leaf spots, LVH, Nephrotic syndrome
What is Takutsubo cardiomyopathy?
43 F comes in with a STEMI after the death of her husband. Cornoary angiogram show normal coronaries with a dilated LV. The cardiologist tells her that she has a broken heart.
What is Ethylene Glycol?
What is a positive sleep test (LR 53)?
The best test for ruling in Myasthenia Gravis
What is phosphate (if you said K, you would be right if this wasn't a 500 point question)
Low levels of this electrolyte can cause respiratory failure
What is VHL?
Gross hematuria, ataxia, and uncontrolled hypertension
What is a prominent y descent in CP?
This finding can be used to differentiate between constrictive pericarditis and tamponade (think wave form)