What is Boston Celtics
Which team had the most rings
What is milk
What drink looks like cum
What is Warner brothers
What brand has a WB next to each other
What is blue
What’s my fav color
What is Aiden
Who is the gayest in the room
What is Phil Jackson
Who has the most coaching titles
What is McNiggers
What fast food restaurant sells the Big Mac
What is twitter
What brand has a blue bird
What is a dog
Do I like dogs or cats
What is Brandon
Who pulls no bitches
What is Charlotte hornets
What team drafted Kobe Bryant?
What is a illegal Mexican
An enchilada is from which cuisine?
What is ASICS
What brand has a backwards A
What is Geometry dash
What’s my fav game
What is Thomas
Who pulls the most
What is Pete Chilcutt
Who was the worst NBA player
What is France
Which country did brie cheese originate from?
What is John deere
What brand has a deer on it
What is wagyu burgers
What’s my fav food
What is 6 million Jews
How many Jews did Hitler kill
What is Lew Alcindor
What was Kareem’s birth name
What is a fortune cookie
David Jung is considered by many to be the originator of which famous food?
What is delta airlines
What brand has two red
triangles on top of each other |
What is The professor
Who do I look a lot like
What is Steve
Who’s the blackest person