Cinderella | Beauty and the Beast | The Flight of Icarus |
Her fairy godmother
Who uses magic to help Cinderella
Don't judge others by how they look, Love, Transformation
What is one of the main themes of the story?
Wax, feathers, and string.
What does Deadalus use to make the wings?
Her stepmother makes her sleep by the cinders.
How does Cinderella get her name?
With a magic mirror
How is beauty able to see things that are happening far away?
King Minos
Who locked Deadalus in the tower?
What is the word for a major or complete change in somethings appearance or shape?
He is an inventor.
In the movie, what is Beauty's fathers job? What does he do?
When Icarus and Deadalus were flying, the people who saw them thought they were ______
In the movie, what was the prince doing when he first met Cinderella?
She is the most beautiful.
In the movie, why does Gaston say that Belle is the best woman in the town?
To have great plans for the future is to have ________