Animals | Food | Money | Time | Fire |
What is "dogs"
It's raining cats and (blank)
What is "tea"
I don’t like opera music, it’s not my cup of (blank)
What is "time"
(blank) is money
What is "late"
Be careful, better (blank) than never
What is "fire"
There’s no smoke without (blank)
What is "worm"
The early bird catches the (blank)
What is "Omelette"
You can’t make an (blank) without breaking some eggs
What is "leg"
Be careful with my camera, it cost me an arm and a (blank)
What is "fun"
Time flies when you’re having (blank)
What is "house"
Me and my neighbour get on like a (blank) on fire
What is "sheep"
He’s the black (blank) of the family
What is "cake"
The exam was easy, it was a piece of (blank)
What is "gold"
Printer ink is worth it’s weight in (blank)
What is "clock"
Even a broken (blank) is right twice a day
What is "fire"
Fight fire with (blank)
What is "cat"
Curiosity killed the (blank)
What is "fish"
Sometimes I feel like a (blank) out of water
What is "peanuts"
If you pay (blanks) you get monkeys
What is "hell"
I think (blank) will freeze over before that happens
What is "candle"
I’ve been burning the (blank) at both ends
What is "elephant"
Nobody wants to talk about the (blank) in the room
What is "milk"
It’s no use crying over spilt (blank)
What is "lunch"
There’s no such thing as a free (blank)
What is "moon"
I only see my family once in a blue (blank)
What is "fuel"
My suggestion didn’t help, it just added (blank) to the fire