song birds. | hawks | owls | falcons | ducks |
What is streaky and brown with thick streaks on a white chest and flanks.
song sparrow
common woodland hawks that tear through cluttered tree canopies in high speed pursuit of other birds.
Coopers hawk
What is large owls about 18 to 25 inches long and have a wingspan between 35-60 inches. They have light gray to dark brown feathery ear tufts
Great Horned Owl
What is blue-gray wings, dark brown backs, a buff-colored underside with brown spots, and white faces with a black tear stripe on their cheeks.
Peregrine Falcon
What is large ducks with hefty bodies, rounded heads, and wide, flat bills
Mallard Duck
What is brown above and white below, with crisp streaks throughout
Savannah Sparrow
What is a type of hawk rich brown above and pale below, with a streaked belly and, on the wing underside, a dark bar between shoulder and wrist
Red-Tailed Hawk
What is small, sandy-colored owls with bright-yellow eyes.
Burrowing Owl
What is blue head and wings contrast elegantly with his rusty-red back and tail
American Kestrel
What is a boxy, crested head, a thin neck, and a long, broad tail.
Wood Duck
What is a Large grayish sparrow with a long tail and often peaked head shape Bill is small and orange to yellow Adults have very bold white and black stripes on the head.
White-crowned sparrow
What is a light-bellied hawk with a dark or reddish-brown chest and brown or gray upperparts
Swainson's Hawk
What is a short, stocky bird, with a large head and almost no neck.
Screech owl
What is once known colloquially as a pigeon hawk
What is a brownish-gray head with a wide green stripe behind the eye and a gleaming white cap
American Wigeon
What is short, notched tails and much yellow in the plumage.
American goldfinch
What is fairly large hawks with broad wings that, compared to other Buteo hawks, are fairly long and narrow.
Rough Legged Hawk
What is mottled brown and white overall, with dark brown, almost black, eyes.
Barred owl
What is brown above and pale with brown markings on the breast and belly.
Prairie Falcon
What is a shovel-shaped bill that quickly sets it apart from other dabbling ducks.
Northern Shoveler
What is a Small finch with a short, conical bill and notched tail
Lesser goldfinch
What is large Buteo hawks with relatively long wings and large heads
Ferruginous hawk
What is silvery gray overall patterned with fine white, gray, and brown streaking and faint barring
Great grey owl
What is a regal white bird with black spotting big.
What is elegant, long-necked ducks with a slender profile.
Northern Pintail