Caveman | Egypt | Greece | Tales from the odyssey | Rome |
Horse,bison,cattle,and mammoths
What are two animals that were hunted and painted in caves?
The Nile River
What is the backbone of Egypt?
Significant art
Greek porter and paints kind evolved into what?
Odysseus was the king of what island?
That there are two baby's and they were left by the timber river to drown but a she wolf finds them and takes care of them.
What is the legend how Rome was found?
Clues about the people that lived in that time
What does Cave art provide?
Red Sea and the Mediterranean Sea
What are the body's of water that surround Egypt?
Human figures depicting Greek gods and heros
What was Greek poetry often decorated with?
He behaved in a strange manner
What did Odysseus do so he couldn't go to war?
Monarch and republic
What were the two forms of government that Rome had?
Color,dotting,perspective,and outlining
What techniques did cave artist use when painting in caves?
Mediterranean Sea
The Nile delta is where the Nile river and what meets?
It was according to their function
How would they choose the shape of the pot?
A giant wooden horse
What did Athena tell Odysseus to build?
They chose their leaders
Why was Rome considered a republic?
Southwestern France
Where is the Le chauvet cave located?
They were man made
Pyramids are not geograftcal shapes because?
He was one of the three Athenian phosphors
Who was Socrates?
He invaded Athena's temple and were violent and disrespectful
Why did Zeus and Poseidon punish Odysseus?
Patricians and plebeians
What are the two main classes in Rome?
Southern France
Where is the Lascaux cave located?
For the Pharos the reach the heavens and to serve as tomes for then
Pyramids were made for what reason?
The Socratic method
What was Socrates greatest contributions to western society?
Odysseus told he that his name was no one
How did Odysseus trick Polyphemus?
The patricians
Who was considered Rome's elite?