Recruiting Employees | Law Affecting Human Resource Management | Training and Developing Employees | Scheduling Employees to meet needs |
What is the process of gathering information and deciding who should be hired?
What must Human Resource Mangers keep up to date with?
What is the activity that initiates new employees into the organization?
Job Sharing
What is the arrangement that lets two or more part-time employees share one full-time job?
Internal Source
What is current employees who can be transferred or promoted or who can recommend others to hire.
The American with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA)
What law requires to give applicants with physical or mental disabilities the same consideration for employment as people without disabilities?
what focuses on long-term abilities?
What plan allows employees to adjust to work and life demands?
What is the set of activities for obtaining the right number of qualifies people at the right time? |
Civil Right Act of 1964
Which law no longer allowed discrimination in employment based on sex, race color, religion or nationality?
online training
What is the training program in which employees complete classes via the internet?
compressed work week
What is the work schedule that allows an employee to work a full number of hours per week but in fewer days?
Small business
What type of business uses word-of-mouth as a effective recruiting tool?
Reverse Discrimination
What has been defined as a discrimination against members of a dominant or majority groups?
What is it called when employees are trained by watching experienced workers perform?
home based work
What is also known as telecommuting?
Job description and job specification
What two written statement are included in a job analysis?
Affirmative Action
What allowed more opportunities for women and minorities?
Off-The-Job Training
What training includes subjects such as time management, stress management, health and wellness, physical education and so forth?
What is called sharing a desk with other employees who work at different times? (many large companies offer this)