Chap. 1-3 Calculations Chap. 1-3 Definitions Chap. 1-3, Lists Chap. 1-3, Miscellaneous
What is the equation for converting weight from pounds to kilograms?
My weight is D pounds.
D pounds/2.2 kilograms = _____ kilograms
What is an essential nutrient?
In nutritional terms, a substance that, when left out of a diet, leads to signs of poor health. The body either cannot produce this nutrient or cannot produce enough of it to meet its needs.
What are the five food groups?
Grains, Vegetables, Fruits, Dairy, Protein Foods
What is the mouth?
the site where digestion begins
What is the formula for calculating maximum heart rate?
220 - Age (in years) = ____ beats per minute
What is digestion?
Process by which large ingested molecules are mechanically and chemically broken down to produce basic nutrients that can be absorbed across the wall of the GI tract.
What are factors for evaluating nutritional status?
anthropometric, biochemical, clinical, dietary
What is the liver?
organ where nutrients are delivered via the hepatic portal vein
What is the formula for calculating Moderate-Intensity Heart Rate Zone?
Estimated MHR x 50% = _A_ bpm
Estimated MHR x 70% = _B_ bpm
Moderate-intensity heart rate zone = _A_ to _B_ bpm
What is a bolus?
A moistened mass of food swallowed from the oral cavity into the pharynx
What are the duodenum, jejunum, ileum?
the 3 parts of the small intestine, in order
What is a meal containing all five food groups?
A lunch of fajitas with a whole wheat tortilla, bell peppers, cheese, and chicken, with mango for dessert
What is the formula for calculating Vigorous-Intensity Heart Rate Zone?
Estimated MHR x 70% = _A_ bpm
Estimated MHR x 85% = _B_ bpm
Vigorous-intensity heart rate zone = _A_ to _B_ bpm
What is bile?
A liver secretion stored in the gallbladder and released through the common bile duct into the first segment of the small intestine. It is essential for the digestion and absorption of fat.
What are examples of pancreatic secretions?
amylase, bicarbonate, glucagon
What is the pyloric sphincter?
ring of smooth muscle located between the stomach and small intestine
What is the process for converting height from feet & inches to meters?
1. My height is A feet and B inches.
2. Convert to inches:
(A feet x 12 inches/foot = ____ inches) + B inches =
C inches
3. Convert to meters:
C inches x 0.0254 meters/inch
What is chyme?
A mixture of stomach secretions and partially digested food.
What is the order of sphincters in the digestive system?
lower esophageal sphincter, pyloric sphincter, ileocecal sphincter, internal anal sphincter, external anal sphincter
What is the ileocecal sphincter?
ring of smooth muscle located between the end of the small intestine and the beginning of the large intestine

Human Nutrition - Review, Part 1

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