Infancy- Late childhood | Erikson's Stages | Death and Dying | Adolescence- Late Adulthood | Other |
What is tripled.
During Infancy what happens to the childs weight?
Major Life event is feeding
A stage of death and dying described as " No, not me"
During which age group is suicide one of the leading causes of death?
Grasp reflex
Grips objects that is placed in hand
What is Infancy
Which life stage does the person progress gradually from the self-centered concept to the recognition of others in the environment?
School Age
Major life event is school
Terminal Illness
Illness that can not be cured and will result in death
Late Adulthood
Alzheimer's appear more frequently.
This age group spends more time with peers than with family
Early Childhood
Ages 1-6
Identity vs. Role Confusion
Patient has the ability to determine whether or not to accept medical care to continue life.
What is the term right to die?
Early Adulthood
People associate themselves with others who have the same interests, regardless of age?
What are the ages for Middle adulthood?
Late Childhood
Visual Acuity is best at this life stage.
Older Adulthood
Reflection and Life Acceptance
Support and Comfort
What are the two goals of palliative care?
Middle Adulthood
This life stage can be a period of satisfaction or a time of crisis
Rooting Reflex
Slight touch to the cheek causes mouth to open and head to turn
Late Childhood
People begin to understand more abstract concepts like honesty, values, and loyalty?
Major Life event is independence
Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression, Acceptance
name all 5 stages of death and dying/grief.
19-40 65 and older
What are the ages for Adolescence, Young Adulthood, and Late Adulthood.
Middle Adulthood
Major Life Event is Parenting