Hormones Endocrine System Mostly Erythrocytes All Leukocytes My Heart Is Not A Stereo
What are target cells?
This is the place where the action of a hormone is directed at.
What is directly into bodily fluids, such as blood?
This is the location where endocrine glands secrete hormones.
What are red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets?
These are the formed elements of blood.
What is the neutrophil?
This is the most numerous white blood cell.
What is a thrombus?
This is the name for a blood clot that is forming abnormally in a blood vessel.
What is that the receptor sites are found in the cell's nucleus.
This is the major difference between steroids and other hormones.
What is the adrenal gland?
This is the organ/gland that is responsible for the secretion of epinephrine and norepinephrine.
What is an irregularly shaped fragment without a nucleus?
This is a physical description of the structure of red blood cells.
What is a lymphocyte?
This is the white blood cell that forms antibodies necessary for immunity to specific diseases.
What is coagulation?
This is the most effective hemostatic mechanism that causes a blood clot.
What are growth hormone, prolactin, and adrenocorticotrophic hormone (ACTH).
These are the hormones secreted by the anterior lobe of the pituitary gland. (Name two)
What is the inhibition of the release of glucagon?
This is the action of insulin that most directly leads to lower blood sugar.
What are erythrocytes?
This is the element of blood that is essential to gas exchange within tissues.
What is phagocytosis or antibody protection?
This is a method by which white blood cells combat infection.
What is sudden cardiac arrest?
This is the purpose of using external cardiac defibrillators.
What is to stimulate the bone to raise the blood calcium level?
This is the effect of the Parathyroid hormone.
What is to produce white blood cells and to fight off infection?
This is the function of the thymus gland.
What is a macrophage?
These are the cells that damaged red blood cells are destroyed by.
What are antigen A and anti-B antibodies?
These are the antigens and antibodies that a person with Type A blood has.
What is the epicardium?
This is another name for the visceral pericardium.
What is the pineal gland?
This is the site where the hormone melatonin is secreted.
What is to regulate chemical rates of reaction, aid in transport, and to play roles in growth, development, and reproduction?
This is the function of endocrine cells.
What is red marrow?
This is the site where red blood cells are produced in an adult.
What is when platelets are exposed to rough surfaces?
This is the reason that platelet plugs form.
What is the myocardium?
This is the location of the Purkinje fibers.

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