SAY WHAT?!? | Call Me Karen | Oops, I did it again | Food Crimes | She Works Hard for Money |
Who is Lindsay Croke?
This friend was quoted saying, "the cojones on that one..."
Who is Brenna Olexa?
This friend was quoted saying, "she would let her landlord lick her butthole for a dog."
Who is Lindsay Croke?
This person was quoted on one of our friends facebook walls saying this, " yes, you are a porn star but I also appear in the porn movie with our passionate kisses and motorboats, its norally to awing(sic) both way, esp on spring break!
Who is Sarah Lindner?
This person was quoted writing this on one of our friends facebook walls, " Told you so!! a TV genious, I am! i need your dress retard, so answer your phone bc I need you to overnight it to me!" & "look who's talking ass clown! You should really start wiping your face the same way you wipe your ass considering they both look and smell like shit!"
Who is Tara Fallon?
This friend was quoted on another friend's facebook wall with the following, " you are a motorboating lesbian bitch! do you remember walking home with the roosters cock-a-doodle-dooing with us? cause I have a flashback of it... smokie magee