Chapter 26 | Chapter 27 | Chapter 28 | Chapter 29 | Chapter 30 and 31 |
What is the Wilks’ home
The house the group stays at in ch 26
What is a coffin
Huck hides the money in this.
What is a note
Huck leaves this behind for the daughter to fInd the money.
What is a raft
Huck and Jim try to escape on this when the crowd was investigating the coffin.
Who is Miss Watson
Huck wants to tell this previous owner of Jim where he is.
What is Frock
This word is used to describe a woman’s or girl’s dress
Who is the undertaker
He sealed the coffin without looking inside.
Who are Joanna and Susan
Huck encounters these two girls in chapter 28
What is gold
In the coffin, the crowd finds a bag of this.
What is pray
Huck does this to ask for forgiveness
Who is Joanna Wilks
The name of the girl who questions Huck.
Who is Peter Wilks
The person’s body who was in the coffin.
Who is Mary Jane
Huck finds this person crying in the morning.
Who is Doctor Robinson
This person declares that the dauphin and the duke were frauds
Who is the duke
He stops the dauphin from strangling Huck to death.
What is Sheffield, England
Huck lied about living at this place.
Who is the dauphin/king
He sells the estate and the slaves living on the property.
What is a friend’s house
Huck tells Mary Jane to wait at this place while he goes to help Jim.
What is a tatto
The crowd goes to Peter Wilks coffin to look for this.
What is a bar
The dauphin and the duke get into a fight here
What is $6000
Huck finds this amount of money in gold.
Who are the slaves
When the dauphin questions Huck about the missing money, Huck blames these people.
Who are Harvey and William Wilks
When the family’s possessions are being auctioned off, two people of the mob claim to be these two men.
What is to write on a piece of paper
A lawyer tells the duke, dauphin, and Harvey to do what to see who the frauds were.
Who is Silas Phelps
A man sold Jim to this farmer for $40