Characters | Summary | Who said it? | Vocab | Thangs and stuff |
Who is the only white man to ever keep his promise to Jim, Jims bestfriend?
The family that Huck stays with
“you’s de bes’ fren’ Jim’s ever had; en you’s de only fren’ ole Jim’s got now”
What is an Abolitionist?
A person against slavery
Where is Cairo?
HUCK, it is the name he gave after his raft is crushed by the steamboat
Who is George Jackson?
Grangerfords and Shepherdsons
The two families at war with each other
“Give a nigger an inch and he’ll take an ell”
ostentatious, showy
What is Gaudy?
What is an ell?
The measure of a mans arm from his elbow...about 18 inches
Who is Betsy?
The African-American slave of the old lady
Prayer Book
Where is Harney Shepherdsons note hidden?
“We’s safe, Huck, we’s safe! Jump up and crack yo’ heels! Dat’s de good ole Cairo at las’. I jis knows it!”
What is feud?
take part in a prolonged quarrel or conflict
Half-past two, that he can't read script
What is the time that Sophia is excited about and what does Huck tell her so she she isn't worried about him knowing?
Who is the boy who "can spell" g-e-o-r-g-e j-a-x-o-n?
Sophia Grangerford
Who does Harney run off with?
“What did he do to you?...Well, then, what did you want to kill him for?”
conclude after calculation
What is reckon?
Sophia Grangerford and Harney Shepherdson
Which two charecters are involved in a "Romeo and Juliet" like romance?
Emmeline Grangerford
Who is the girl who wrote about dead people while she was alive?
How does Buck die?
Old lady
“Why, bless you, Saul, the poor thing’s wet as he can be; and dont you reckon it may be he’s hungry?”
talking in a flattering manner
What is palavering?
Free and easy
When Huck and Jim are back on the raft, Huck uses two words to describe life on a raft. They are..