Insured, Are you Sure? -Care or -Caid All About the ACA Odds and Ends People in Health Economics
What is ex ante moral hazard
Deciding to go snowboarding, skydiving, and swimming with sharks one day after purchasing health insurance is an example of this.
What is Medicaid
This is the primary payer for Long Term Services and Supports
What is the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act
The lengthy full name of the ACA
What is the McCarran-Ferguson Act of 1945
This makes the sale of insurance across state lines difficult because it give the federal government the power to regulate insurance companies
What is the RAND Health Insurance Experiment
Will Manning helped design and evaluate this Experiment
What is increased cost sharing
The findings of the RAND study opened the door for this in the 1980s and 1990s
What is MACRA
Congress passed this bill in 2015, altering the way physicians are reimbursed
What is the Supreme Court
This entity determined that the states did not have to expand Medicaid under the ACA, as it is "coercion"
What are medical residencies
Medical school enrollment has sharply increased in the last couple of years due to a change by the American Association of Medical Colleges, but these important complements haven't.
What is the loading factor
For insurance companies to pay for administration fees and to profit, they price their insurance rates above the actuarially fair premium. The difference between the price charged and the AFP is known as this.
What is Merit-Base Incentive Payment System (MIPS)
The new quality based payment system for Medicare approved by Congress in 2015
What is repealing the ACA
Doing this to the ACA could decrease federal deficits... or, increase them.
What is the law of diminishing returns
The economic concept that you will enjoy the consumption of a marginal unit less than you enjoyed the first unit.
Who is Joe Newhouse
He showed that health care spending growth is largely driven by technology improvements or the march of science, and argued there was not much welfare loss associated with growth in spending.
What is risk aversion
This is the desire to pay a premium each month to avoid a potentially disastrous loss.
What is block granting Medicaid
Donald Trump’s plan to reign in the spending of Medicaid and put the program on a budget.
What is liberal aspirations and market forces
Jonathan Oberlander's observation on the ACA's precarious balancing act is between these two things
What is $19 trillion
The US debt just exceeded this figure
What is the Florida Agency for Health Care Administration
This agency oversees the state of Florida's Certificate of Need program
What is ex post moral hazard
This behavioral phenomenon in response to insurance makes health care utilization by the insured more expensive than it would be without insurance
What is a two part market (attract private pay until price drops to Medicaid price).
Supply, demand, and financing of nursing homes is divided into this type of market
What is Blue dogs
The state-based exchanges created via the ACA, rather than a federal "public option," were designed to secure the 60th vote from these Democrats
What is need
This ignores the role of prices, whereas demand specifically incorporates prices
Who is Donna Shalala
She chaired Institute of Medicine committee on the future of the nursing workforce, among many other accomplishments

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