ECON 101 | $$$ | First, Do | Of Global Interest | Demanding |
What is moral hazard
Idea that individuals insulated from risks behave differently than those who are exposed to it.
What is $9,500
This is the average amount of healthcare spending per person per year in the United States.
What is the Law of Demand
This states that as the price of a unit decreases, the quantity of units demanded increases.
What is global budget
Payment system the reimburses on historic revenues and does not reimburse based on volume
What is ceteris paribus
This is Latin for ‘with all other conditions held constant
What is social health insurance/ single payer
This insurance scheme is the only way to completely avoid adverse selection.
What is 17.5%
This is the percent of the United States GDP that goes to healthcare spending.
What is consumer surplus
This is the difference between what a consumer is willing to pay for each unit and the amount he or she actually pays.
What is Maryland
This is the first state to implement global budgets for hospitals
What is marginal revenues and marginal costs
A firm maximizes profits when it reaches equilibrium between these
What is adverse selection
Health economics concept that occurs because of the prevalence of asymmetric information in the purchase and sell of insurance.
What is Medicare Part A
Financing of this is in jeopardy (ha ha) as expenditures have exceed tax revenues for almost 10 years
What is substitutes
Tylenol and Advil are examples of this
Who is Dr. Mortensen
She and her coauthors crushed it with her paper on global budgets in Maryland
What is price inelastic
The price of bandaids increases 10%, and the quantity demanded decreases 5%. Bandaids are
What is opportunity cost
"There is no free lunch" illustrates this concept
What is Medicaid
Spending on this program is the fastest increasing component of states' budgets.
What is complements
The price of saline solution skyrockets, so consumers purchase fewer contact lenses. Contact lenses and saline solution are a type of this
What is quality
Global budgets may encourage providers to skimp on this metric
What is price
Changes in this create a movement along a demand curve, or a change in quantity demanded
What is $50,000
The Quality Adjusted Life Year (QALY) threshold value for cost effectiveness
What is zero (perfectly inelastic, they will buy it regardless of the price)
All Type 1 and Type 2 diabetics require insulin. Their price elasticity of demand is this value
What is inferior
As income increases, the demand for this type of good decreases
What are Total Patient Revenue and Global Budget Revenue
The name of the TWO programs that implement global budgets in rural hospitals and all suburban/urban hospitals in Maryland
What is 1.5 (elastic)
The price of plastic surgery decreases by 20% and the quantity demanded for plastic surgery increases by 30%. What is the price elasticity?