Unité 1 | Unité 2 | Unité 3 | Verbes | Potpourri |
What is "Comment t'appelles-tu?" ("Comment vous appelez-vous?")
"What is your name"? in French.
What is "Histoire" and "Chimie"?
"History" and "Chemistry" in French.
What is "Mère" and "Père"?
"Mother" and "Father" in French.
What is: "Je suis", "Tu es", "Il est", "Elle est", "On est", "Nous sommes", "Vous êtes", "Ils sont", "Elles sont".
The conjugated forms of the verb "to be". (sing the song)
What is "Ça va?" ("Comment vas-tu?") ("Comment allez-vous?")
"How are you?" in French.
What is: "un", "une", "des"?
The indefinite articles in French.
What is "Je ne parle pas espagnol"?
"I do not speak Spanish" in French.
What is "Court(e)" and "Grand(e)"?
"Short" and "Tall" in French.
What is: "J'ai", "Tu as", "Il a", "Elle a", "On a", "Nous avons", "Vous avez", "Ils ont", "Elles ont".
The conjugated forms of the verb "to have". (sing the song)
What is: "le", "la", "l'", "les"?
The definite articles in French.
What is "quinze"? (15)
0, 3, 6, 9, 12, ___
What is "Aujourd'hui" and "Demain"?
"Today" and "Tomorrow" in French.
What is "Fou/Folle" and "Ennuyeux/Ennuyeuse"?
"Crazy" and "Boring" in French.
What is: "e", "es", "e", "ons", "ez", "ent"?
The endings of regular "er" verbs.
What is "Voyager" and "Oublier"?
"To travel" and "To forget" in French.
What is "Agréable" and "Désagréable"?
"Pleasant" and "Unpleasant" in French.
What is "Quelle heure est-il?" ("Il est quelle heure?")
"What time is it?" in French.
What is "quatre-vingt-quinze"? (95)
70, 75, 80, 85, 90, ___
What is "J'aime" and "J'adore"?
"I like" and "I love" in French.
What is: "Moi", "Toi", "Lui", "Elle", "Nous", "Vous", "Eux", "Elles"?
The disjunctive pronouns in French. (me, you, him ...)
What is "Coréen(ne)", "Japonais(e)" and "Chinois(e)"?"
"Korean", "Japanese" and "Chinese" in French.
What is "Il est midi"?
"It is noon" in French.
What is "Sous" and "Sur"?
"Under" and "On" in French.
What is "Il a quatorze ans" and "Elle a sommeil"?
"He is 14 years old" and "She is sleepy" in French.
What is "la bise"?
The friendly kiss in French.