Iconic Statements of Dubious Origin and Accuracy | Life on the Farm (Idaho) | A Touch of Romance | Scandals and Dramatic Events | In the Family Tree |
What are silage pits
Without these iconic landmarks in their childhoods, the younger members of the family may be doomed
St. Monica
This name of the mother of a doctor of the church and the name of the sheep pasture is also a description of how most people think of Mrs. Howell
What is Melody
A young Paul Howell made this potentially disastrous mistake by calling the cute girl on campus this name instead of Monica
What is the bathroom window
The means by which one distraught family member tried to make an escape from an undesirable suitor
What is OLOL
This Marian Feast is significantly attached to memorable events in the Howell Family including marriages and deaths
What are daughters
Despite having six female children, the jury is out on whether Monica ever had any of these
Howell Lake
The most iconic body of water on the farm: not the fishpond, not the creek, or the pond, but this naturally formed reservoir between the red barn and house
What is CKAM (Catholic Kids Against Marriage)
The name of the anti-marriage group formed by the eldest six (also known as the first family)
What are shorts
A stir was caused when a family member broke convention by first wearing this article of summer clothing
Paul Jones Dance
This social event led to the eventual marriage between Courtney Murphy and Tom O'Conner
What is "please pass stella"
After initially protesting the slaughter of this leporid, an apparent change of heart took place when dinner was served and this phrase was uttered:
What is asparagus
Take a walk around the farm with a basket and this perennial might be served on your plate later that night, usually creamed.
What is the flicking of holy water on someone you admire
Without this forward flirtation method shamelessly employed in a church, would the Howell family exist today? God only knows
What is a permanent marker
What item did Theresa use in lieu of mascara to darken her eyelashes
What is 18 and 19
How old were Grandpa and Grandma Howell respectively when they were married
What is idolatry/idol worship
Which sin forbidden by the ten commandments did Mary refuse to commit in response to her younger siblings admiration of certain brothers
What are corncobs
How many sacramentals were crammed into the house? All except this oversized one which hung outside, constructed out of this unusual material
"Your arm feels like grabbing onto a calf's leg"
Trying to catch the girl? Use this compliment employed by Paul to Monica, just don't get kicked on the way out!
The wheelbarrow club
Elizabeth used Catherine as a hitman in an attempt to murder another sibling using this weapon
What is Franciscan
Event though none of the Fred Howell children became religious, one could find a reference to this order in their house through this collection of dinnerware
"I never thought I would have such a stern mother"
This lament uttered by a family member prompts the following existential question - can one think before one has a mother?
What is the currant bush
Make a pitstop here! Either as an open air rest stop, or for a favorite snack - just don't pick the red ones!
Who is Anna Zepeda
Name the girl a small Andrew nearly mauled in his enthusiasm to see her after a funeral mass
What is a bloody mary
Which alcoholic beverage made an appearance in a mailbox as a token of a certain stalkers affection for actually all of the three eldest girls
What is Joseph Francis
This name consists of two popular Catholic saints and has its own unique line of descent in family history