Miscellaneous | Nasar Injuries | Favorite Foods | Nasar's Catchphrases | Nasar's Family/Friends |
What is a RAV4
This is what Kanye won't rap for and also Nasar's current car
What is his basketball-induced knee injury
This injury is when Nasar took 'ball is life' too far
What is Big Al's Pizzeria
This is both Cardi B and Nasar's favorite pizza joint
What is Ooh Nooo?
This is what you say when something goes wrong
Who is Jaffer?
This is the person who Nasar has lived with longer than his own wife
What is Lancaster?
This is the city Nasar was born in
What is Nasar's finger fracture from basketball
This upper-body injury made the urgent care doctor laugh and go 'oh man that's something'
What is coke zero?
This is Nasar's favorite drink
What is Scamaazed?
This is when someone hustles you
What is HARJN?
This is the acronym of Nasar's undergrad besties
This is Nasar's favorite movie
What is his back injury from deadlifting/gym
This injury was from Nasar working too hard on his booty gains
What is strawberry cheesecake?
This is Nasar's favorite dessert
What is Yikers?
This is what you say when Nasar forgets to buy Nida flowers
Lucky, Rambo, C-Mow (Chairman Meow)
These are the name of Nasar's childhood cats
Elden Ring
According to Nasar, this is the best video game he has ever played
What is scraping his arm and ripping his shirt
This injury was sustained as Nasar bird-scootered to the Kobe memorial
What is Urth Cafe?
This is the cafe Nasar took Nida to on their first date
What is Jabaited!
This is when you think you're getting one thing but you end up with something else
Who is Pervaiz?
This was the name of Nasar's landlord in DC
What is Teacher or NKwraith
These are Nasar's 2 online gaming names
What is the 3 months Nasar and Nida did long distance
This was Nasar's greatest heartbreak
What is Biryani House?
This was the restaurant that single-handedly sustained Nasar during his time at Berkeley
What is kms?
This is what Nasar says at the slightest inconvenience
Who are Sumayyah, Saffiyah, Sarah, Salwa, and Inayah
These are Nasar's FIVE nieces' names