Gender | Tradition vs. Change | Role of a teacher | Certainty vs. Doubt | pot pourri |
What is the hierarchy of the church
What stops Sister Aloysius from going above Father Flynn's head to call him out
What is Fountain pen
What type of writing utensil does Sister Aloysius prefer
What is a fierce moral guardian
When talking to Sister James, Sister Aloysius says the kids need a fierce what?
What is asking if Father Flynn in doubt?
What does Sister Aloysius ask Sister James about Father Flynn's sermon on Doubt
What is Sister Veronica
What is the name of the nun with poor eyesight that Sister Aloysius tells Sister James to "see that she doesn't destroy herself."
What is his weakened mental condition
Why does sister Aloysius not trust Monsignor Benedict to believe her
What is it is pagan
Why does sister Aloysius not like Frosty the Snowman
What is fear
How do the students of the school feel towards Sister Aloysius
What is Tommy's nose bleeding
What event is Sister Aloysius not certain is true that happens to one of Sister James's students
What is Sister James
To whom is the quote "I'm beginning to think you're punching people" said
What is intolerance
Father Flynn says he will write a sermon about what topic after meeting
What is Sister James
This character represents the opposite of Sister Aloysius in regards to her opinions on staying distant from students
What is "we are not part of their family."
How does Sister Aloysius differ from Father Flynn in their opinion on being involved in student's lives
What is yes
Fill in the blank
Sister James: Did you ever prove it to anyone but yourself Sister Aloysius: No SJ: but you were sure SA: ___ |
What is Donald and Father Flynn
In the quote "The boy got caught, the man didn't" who are the boy and the man
What is "gravel, soot and tar paper.β
When talking to Sister James, Sister Aloysius says boys are made of what
What is 3
How many scoops of sugar does Father Flynn take that makes Sister Aloysius mad
What is FDR
What president does Sister Aloysius make sure to tell Sister James not to idolize
What is the final discussion between Sister James and Sister Aloysius and her doubts about Father Flynn
"Maybe we're not supposed to sleep so well" references what part of the play
What is βIn ancient Sparta, important matters were decided by who shouted loudest. Fortunately, we are not in ancient Sparta.β Sparta
What ancient civilization does Sister Aloysius reference in settling disputes
What is Father O'Connor
What is the name of the priest in Father Flynn's sermon about gossip
What is a transistor radio
What modern change does Sister Aloysius indulge in
What is "The heart is warm, but your wits must be cold"
What does Sister Aloysius tell Sister James should be warm and cold
What is because of her experience and she noticed a student flinching
Why is Sister Aloysius so certain about Father Flynn
What is "I have such doubts"
What is Sister Aloysius's final line of the play