Favorites | Fidgets | School | Friends and Crushes | Coco |
What is my favorite color ?
What is my fidget that I have the least of ?
What is my worst subject ?
Math and Science
Who is my best friend ( girl wise ) ?
What color is Coco's ?
White and Brown
What is my favorite top 3 shows ?
The Origanals, the Vampire Diaries, and the Legiacies
What fidget do I have the most of ?
Pop it's
What is my best subject ?
Who is my best friend ( boy wise ) ?
What is Coco's bed time ?
What is my favorite book?
Gabriel Finley and the Raven's Riddle
What is my fidget that always breaks ?
DNA ball or color changing stress ball
What is least favorite subject ?
Who is my Famous Crush ?
Ian Somerhuader, or Joseph Morgan
What is Coco's biggest fear ?
Going to get her hair cut
What is my favorite youtuber ?
Mixiepixi7 ( doll videos )
What is favorite fidget called ?
Pop it's or stress balls of any kind or mochie
What is my favorite subject ?
Who is my role model ?
My mom
What is the name of coco's boyfriend ?
What is my favorite app ?
What is my least favorite fidget called ?
A fidget spinner
What is my favorite teacher ?
Mrs. Mundy
Who is the best friend I could ever have if I need to talk to someone ?
Coco or my mom
What is Coco's full name ?
Coconut Hope Pancaro