Talents Defensives Toolkit Various Shit lol
What is
If you die a lot you might want to take this talent, which allows you to CHEAT DEATH from a fatal attack.
What is feint
This defensive, often referred to as the strongest defensive in the game, reduces area of effect damage by 40% for 5 seconds
What is vanish
This spell lets you immediately enter into stealth, regardless of if you are in combat or not.
What is 1 minute
Blind keeps a mob CC'd for this amount of time
What is elusiveness
This talent make Feint also reduce all damage you take from non-area-of-effect attacks by 30% for 5 seconds
What is 4 seconds
Crimson Vial heals you for 20% of your health over this duration of time
What is 85%
Cheat Death reduces your damage taken by this amount for 3 seconds after you take what would be fatal damage.
What is evasion
This is the best defensive to cast when a Shard of Halkias is casting Thrash

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