What is Psychology | Fields of psychology | People of psychology | Potpourri |
Psychology is defined most accurately as the scientific study of behavior and the mind.
What is the definition of psychology?
A cognitive psychologist.
What is a psychologist primarily interested in thinking process called.
The work of Charles Darwin.
What is the name of the psychologist, whom Evolutionary psychology draws heavily from?
What is an irrational and very specific fear that persists even when there is no real danger to a person called.
Nature vs. Nurture debate
What is the issue in psychology that involves debate over the relative contributions of genetic inheritance versus the environment on behavior.
Clinical and Counseling psychologist.
What is a psychologist that tries to identify the most effective ways for people to deal with the loss of life?
Wilhelm Wundt.
What is the founder of psychology's name?
What is a kind of memory that you must tap into if you were asked to pick out a criminal from a line up after you had witnessed a crime?
What is a testable prediction about behavior.
Developmental psychologist.
What is a psychologist who looks for a relationship between the parenting styles of mothers and their children's self-esteem called?
Wilhelm Wundt.
What is the name of the psychologist who founded the first laboratory of experimental psychology?
Theories tend to be general and hypotheses tend to be specific statements.
What is the difference between a theory and a hypothesis?
Interest in mental processes or behavior.
What is the main thing psychologists, no matter their field of study, share in common?
What is a psychologist who studies changes in the internal body activity of people affected by the terrorist attack of September 11, 2001 called?
Sigmund Freud.
What is the name of the psychologist who named the id, ego and superego?
The left cerebral hemisphere.
What is the hemisphere, in right hander's, that is usually responsible for logical thinking and reasoning?
At colleges or universities.
What is the location of greatest employment for psychologists?
Experimental psychology.
What is the field of psychology, whose goal is to generally understand psychological processes rather than the application of that knowledge?
B. F. Skinner.
What is the name of the father of operational conditioning?
Random assignment.
What is the most controlled way to assign participants in a research experiment?