Kitchen Safety | What to do in an emergency? | Fire Prevention and Safety | Fall Prevention | General Home Safety |
Loose, flammable clothing
What clothes are to be avoided when cooking?
An item that helps you see in the dark?
What is the #1 cause of house fires?
Non-slip mats, or tub benches or chairs
What can be used to prevent slipping in the bathtub or shower?
Fire extinguisher
What tool could be used to put out fires in the home?
Inward, away from front of stove
Which way should the handle on the pot or pan be facing?
Number to call in case of an emergency
Once a month
How often should you test your smoke alarms?
Double sided tape, tacks, or slip-resistant backing
What can loose rugs be secured with?
Electric shock
What risks can frayed cable cords pose?
Immediately after
When should a spill be cleaned up?
An emergency
Poses an immediate threat to life of property
Every 10 years
How often should you replace your fire alarms?
What is an alternative tool to use to replace standing on a stool or chair to retrieve something on a high shelf?
Higher than eye level, on top shelf of storage area
Where should cleaning supplies NOT be stored?
When cutting food with a knife, slice ___ from your hands, and watch your fingertips!
Non perishable food items
Types of food that should be in your emergency kit?
2 minutes
How long does it take for a fire to become threatening?
Declutter home, arrange furniture to provide an adequate walkway
What can you do to navigate through your home easily?
Installing lights on both sides of the stairway
What can be done to increase the lighting on the stairway?
In a dry storage area with blades protected, not loose in a drawer
Where should knives be stored?
Bottled water, flashlight, batteries, toilet paper, blanket, pet supplies, and extra clothing
Five things you should have in an emergency kit
No, you can actually fall into a deeper sleep due to the gasses a fire produces
Would a fire wake someone up if they were asleep?
What can be added to your stairway to decrease the chance of falls?
Away from stovetop and out of the kitchen
Where should children and pets be when cooking on the stovetop?